Saturday, July 25, 2009

New Video: The Moon Goes on Vacation

This video is for vacation. So take a little vacation from whatever you're doing and watch it!

The Moon: 15th Show

Batter up kids! There's a Moon show this Tuesday, July 28th!

This week's Moon is two parts baseball and one part also baseball. We also have a bonus part that's baseball related.

With Starting Lineup...
Joe Mande (Totally Just Kidding)
Carlen Altman (Master of Japes)
The World Famous Kondabolu Brothers of Queens (Real Brothers, Real Funny)
Camille Harris (Singerrific)
and a dance from Cocoon!

Bring a glove, you never know when you might catch a pop-fly!

At Royal Oak
(Here's a Map)

The Moon The Moon The Moon The Moon The Moon The Moon

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New Video: Saturday Morning

Here's a new video to enjoy whilst eating vegan buffalo wings or a turducken cooked in bacon grease.

Whatever you choose to eat is your beeswax. But don't choke before the end, it's the best part!

Thanks again to Genesis for co-starring in this tale of a morning gone wronging.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Moon: 14th Show

It is said that music makes the people come together. That's not necessarily true among the discerning populous here in Brooklyn. But hey fuck it, right? We're gonna try it any way!

Please join us this Tuesday evening for a night of tickling tonalities and merry melodies.

With Special Guests...
Kevin Allsion (from MTV's The State)
Dave Hill (from MOJO's The King of Miami)
Murderfist (NYC's Most Homicidal Sketch Troupe)
Victor Vitrola (NYC's oldest Singing Nonagenarian)
Camille Harris (Ivory Tickling Pinko Commie Madwoman)
Ellis and Alessandro (Song Punks)
and Cocoon (Dance Dance Revolutionaries)

Remember, you sing with your heart, but you drink with your mouth. The former comes easier after the latter. Come do a little of both!

At Royal Oak
(Here's a Map)

The Moon The Moon The Moon The Moon The Moon The Moon

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

New Video: All Damn Day

Here's a new video for you to enjoy whilst sipping your Iced Caramel Macchiato at work, or kicking back with a cold brass monkey at home. It also goes very well with a bottle of 1972 Dom Perignon Champagne with a side of cocktail sauce. And guys? Not the Heinz stuff, ok? Spring for something robust and dignified.

Many thanks to Genesis for co-starring in this strange tale of an afternoon gone wild.